

Avoid dangling project and ensure audio stems are saved in the right place:

  • Project -> Prompt to save on new project [x]

Better default send:

  • Project -> Track/Send Defaults -> Send gain -18db -> Send midi by default [ ]

Assign midi controller, press ? to see action list

  • :> Transport play (not play/stop because that requires the button to stay pressed)
  • [] Transport stop
  • <- Markers: Go to previous marker/project start
  • -> Markers: Go to next marker/project end

Use Find shortcut to find the action of an existing key

Disable auto fading on cut:

  • Project -> Item Fade Defaults -> Untick all the “Fade-in/fade-out”

Navigate arrange view with middle click:

  • Editing Behavior -> Mouse Modifier:
    • Context: Arrange view
    • middle drag
    • Default action set to Hand scroll

Center zoom on mouse position (instead of play cursor):

  • Appearance -> Zoom/Scroll/Offset -> Horizontal zoom center: Mouse cursor

Untick to disable Tiny fade in on playback start

Bind (e.g. to z) Toggle solo for selected tracks, to quickly solo the current track, whatever the current view.

Match item or track loudness with SWS

  • select items
  • show actions list
  • SWS/BR: Normalize loudness of selected items/tracks
  • pick items (the clip) or tracks (the mixer)
  • set lufs to -14 for spotify

Find BPM

  • insert tempo marker in the timeline shiftc, for example at position 5
  • in TCP, change tracks timebase to time
  • change source properties: check ignore project tempo
  • ctrl drag the mark to match transient

Move items on one axis only: ctrlshift

Midi note too early

When recording midi sequence through extenal synth with the miniFuse, the audio latency is negative (recording starts a few ms after the audio play first midi).

In Preferences -> Audio -> Recording, untick Use audio driver reported latency, then adjust recording manually.

Free impulse response

For ReaVerb, use Big Gee’s Lexicon 480L, like Large Room, or Small Plate (which is bigger :)

Automatic Gain Riding

  • Use loudness meter plugin to write LUFS-M env
  • Move automation to track envelop
  • Tweaks envelop params to inverse

Master FX by Kenny Gioia

  • ReaEQ (e.g. shelft +1db)
  • JS 1175 (e.g. -10db threshold, 3db gain, 140 atk, 180 release)
  • ReaXComp (e.g. ratio 4/1, check program dependent release, link the thresholdm -10db threshold)
  • ReaLimit
  • JS Loudness Meter (to check LUFS-I for max -8)
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